

Employee experience is the journey an employee encounters from joining the company up-to exiting the company. It encapsulates the interactions with coworkers, work systems and environment. Most organizations invest in customer experience and less on employee satisfaction and experience. Essentially, employee experience is equally important as customer experience. Adoption of technology is becoming increasingly important with the changing business landscape and unforeseen business shocks like Covid – 19. Consequently, employee experience cannot be underscored as employees interact with customers and actualize customer experience.


Cloud Technology

Remote working has demanded the need for use of cloud based tools in response to Covid-19 and given employees the ability to efficiently and effectively coordinate and work together remotely. Employees want efficient and convenient tools that can transform their productivity and also collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, manage customer relations and achieve digital satisfaction.


Teleconferencing is a technology where employees in different locations interact using online platforms such as Zoom, Msteams & Google-meet. This form of technology has enabled employees to create virtual teams to perform team assignments. Teleconferencing is rampant in this era of Covid-19 as organizations downsize physical office operations. Teleconferencing has also enabled employees to hold internal and external meetings virtually.

Modern Intranet

Intranet software can be used as a unifying platform whereby one can create an experience that allows employees and new recruits to interact with the company. This involves use of the company’s brand and values to achieve a smooth experience with the employees. Similarly, employees have a way to explore, absorb, and participate, thus contributing to the culture of the business. i.e. onboarding can be simplified by ensuring new recruits have a less complicated work experience with easy-to-access documents,
up-to-date organization charts, and rich bios on their peers.

Employee Self Service Applications (ESS)

ESS applications answer a lot of questions employees would ordinarily ask management and also allow employees to access their HR data and perform various transactions. Organizations that have implemented ESS have saved significant costs while employees become self-reliant and are able to make
informed decisions. For instance, when employees apply for leave using ESS applications, coworkers get the notification in real time.


From the foregoing, it is evident that employee experience is equally important as customer experience. Therefore, organizations must invest in
modern technology tailored to enhance employee experience as it aims to achieve overall organizational performance. The situation has been further compounded by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic which has bolstered the need for such technologies and the need to develop employee experience plans.

For more information, please contact our corporate team through
email info@bellmacconsulting.com or aotieno@bellmacconsulting.com.